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04/05/2005 Archived Entry: "The Perfect Hotel Room"

I've been on my back for just over a week with the flu -- I sure hope you don't get it! It's the sickest I've been in years, and no fun at all. I finally went back to work yesterday with a trip to Harrisburg, PA, and came home tired, but today I'm feeling pretty much back to normal. Good thing -- the busy season is here!

I apparently caught the flu on the way home from an overnight trip to Detroit, Michigan last weekend. While in Detroit I stayed in the Holiday Inn Express in downtown Detroit, along with the group of wrestlers I took there for a national wrestling meet. I believe it was as close as I've ever had to the perfect hotel room for a driver -- so much so that it inspired me to write about "The Perfect Hotel Room" for an article in the EightWheels.com Forum. Check out my top ten items for the perfect driver's room, and add your comments following the article.

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