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07/29/2005 Archived Entry: "Border Crossing Update"
About three weeks ago, shortly after the first London bombings, I drove for a teen travel camp visiting Canada. We crossed from Route 89 in Vermont into Quebec. Security both ways was the tightest I've ever seen it. Of course, getting into Canada was easier than getting back into the US, but neither way was as easy as it's been the last year or two. Canadian customs officers asked many more questions than usual, and opened and inspected every door and compartment on the bus -- not just the luggage bays, but engine and battery compartments, fuel fillers, washroom maintenance areas, etc. -- everything.
US customs officials were more interested in people and luggage. They left much of the bus uninspected, however everyone had to disembark and walk into the customs office, along with ALL of their luggage. We were on a 10-day trip, and so had a lot of luggage; all of it had to be unloaded and matched up with its passengers! Fortunately I only had about 20 passengers, and there were no buses ahead of me, so we made in through US customs in about an hour's time. A customs officer told me this was a new procedure begun the Monday after the London bombing.