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10/06/2004 Archived Entry: "Renaissance Faire, Hunterdon Hills Playhouse"
Yesterday I drove as one of an eight coach move for a middle school going to the Renaissance Faire in Cornwall, PA. I didn't count how many buses were there, but it had to be close to 100, maybe more, almost evenly divided between motorcoaches and school buses. Most of the buses arrive at around the same time for the opening of the faire (10 AM) and leave near the same time at the end of the day (3 PM). It makes for an interesting site to see all those buses arriving and leaving one location at once -- and some jockeying for position as various groups of coaches try and stay together. Fortunately the event is well organized, with a large bus parking area that accommodates everyone fairly easily.
Today I drove for a company tour to the Hunterdon Hills Playhouse in Hampton, NJ. It's a very nice dinner theater, great food, and a good play -- today's was "Any Wednesday." They treat drivers very well -- easy bus drop and load right in front of the main entrance, parking just ahead in a bus parking lot, and a free meal and show with a special drivers' table to the right side of the room but with a great view of the stage. A very pleasant day with a very pleasant group of people.