Oct 2006
Union Station, Washington, DC
I had a trip to Washington, DC on Saturday, with a dinner stop at Union Station. Parking there is dramatically improved now -- I didn't count how many spaces there are for coaches, but it must be close to 50, maybe more. Lots of room. Construction isn't yet finished, however, and you must still turn right on H Street when you leave the parking, going down to 8th Street before you can make any turns to head back toward the mall area. And, unfortunately, they haven't returned to their in/out policy as they used to have -- you pay every time you park if you leave for any reason, despite them still advertising on their website that they have in/out privileges.
New Site Design
Welcome to the new EightWheels.com site. Once again I've redesigned it, hoping to make it both more attractive and more functional. I've also begun using new blogging software, built into the new site design. The old blog is linked in the sidebar if you'd like to refer to it, although it hasn't been updated in a number of months. I hope to update this one on a more regular basis.