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08/19/2005 Archived Entry: "Commenting is back"
After almost three hours of work, I've cleaned out the spam in the comments section of past blog entries, added some spam-prevention hacks to my blogging software, and turned commenting back on. We'll see how well it works; you should be able to add comments to current posts once again, but the spammers won't -- or at least they'll be severely throttled and easy to control. I was getting 25 or more posts a day in the comments sections here from spammers before I turned off the commenting feature. The throttling feature, however, means everyone will be limited in their comment posting. If you get an error message saying you're posting too often, wait a few minutes, and try again. Posting limits are reset each day, so you can always try again tomorrow, too, if you need to post more than the system allows. Let me know if you have any problems.