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06/15/2004 Archived Entry: "The EightWheels.com Forum Is Back -- Plus a Guestbook"
I finally got the EightWheels.com Forum re-installed after the move to the new server. It works almost identically to the previous version, although with faster and more powerful software -- based now on a MySQL database instead of a flat file database (if you care
). That's the good news; the bad news is that because the file structure is completely different than the previous forum, I'm not able to import the old posts, so we're starting from scratch. You'll need to register again if you had registered before (sorry!), and you may add posts you had added before if you like, or just go on from here. This should be a "final" change in the forum so we don't have to go through this again.
I've also added a new Guestbook to the site. It's fairly sophisticated as guestbooks go, but still easy to use, and I hope you'll sign it and add your comments about the site.